Friday, October 23, 2009

What this blog is about

We always hear about conservation issues involving cute and cuddly animals like the Tasmanian Devil and their facial tumors or the Giant Panda. Campaigns to save the whales draw in lots of money from concerned people, but very rarely do we hear about conservation issues involving things like fish or reptiles.

People don't really care about the depletion of the ocean, fish aren't like us so why should we care about them?

I want to give a voice to these issues. I'll also talk about current campaigns running that I think need peoples attention, but hopefully I can get more people worked up about issues that don't get a lot of press, and then we can make a difference.

If you care about biodiversity and the environment this blog is for you.


  1. Cute and cudely campaigns are a great way to draw peoples attention to animal conservation in general and to hopefully get them started thinking on a broader scale. For example, to save the cute whales we need to care for the entire ecosystem because without the smallest the largest can't survive.

  2. Thats true, but it can also draw a lot of attention away from other things. The amount of money that goes saving whales that aren't even endangered is phenomenal. And if thats what people have donated their money to, you can't use it for something else.
